Hello to all those reading this. It's me... blogging again :)
In these times it's important to get things off your chest and it also gives YOU something to do when you're at home and bored. I hope you enjoy my stream of consciousness that follows 😁
Check it out... I'm back... and I didn't forget to blog! I knew I wanted to try and do this every week but I also know what I am like - easily distracted, always planning a million and one things to do in my calendar and then forgetting that I missed something important, but can't quite remember what it was... this will undoubtedly happen at some point but for now.... I did it! And even more importantly, thank you to those of you returning to read this random piece of ... art? and welcome to all those who are reading this for the first time - you're in for a treat.
How was everyone's Valentines/Galentines day? Risky question? What about pancake day? Don't tell me you forgot?!
Today I thought I would talk about some of the challenges I've been setting myself and share some tips and tricks I have been using. I will also give you a quick update on what's going on in my music world too.... just behind the scenes stuff that only YOU get to know.
So, at the beginning of January I was feeling a bit, well... tired.... is one word, fed-up, is another but above all else I was feeling bloody LAZY! Sleeping in late and feeling a bit sorry for myself. I know you know exactly the feeling I'm talking about - we've all been there over this last year, if not still there. Not to worry, I always think that becoming aware of your daily habits is the most important part before you can take any steps to improving it... that's if you even wanted to (I wouldn't blame you for choosing to sleep your way through this nightmare). It is very out of character for me to feel completely unmotivated and I didn't feel right in myself so I knew I needed to change something. So I decided to make a change.
There were a couple of things I did to knock me back into place. First of all I started using this scratch off poster '100 Days of Mindfulness' that my mum gave me for Christmas. I'd also just released my first single of 2021 called 'Mindfulness' on all streaming platforms so I thought, this could be a cool thing to do alongside that, as well as help with a bit of promotion on Instagram/Facebook stories. Others have been joining me with the tasks too! . What has been amazing about this actually is that I recently decided to join an online book club.... now let me stop you there.... I know, zzzzzzzzz..... BUT.... as boring as it sounds, it's actually this group of lovely, likeminded girls (and currently one boy), of a similar age who are all trying to improve on their lives and read personal development books. That's what it's all about. This AMAZING girl Hayley Maybury set it up (check her out, she's super inspirational) and we basically just read personal development books and have some chats about it. So motivational!... I recommend finding yourself a good little community like this - it's been amazing. Anyway... the reason I brought this up was because we have a WhatsApp group that I've been sharing my daily Mindfulness tasks with to keep me accountable, this has been great for starting to get myself out of a funk... just one small task a day can do wonders. And it's forced me try loads of new things too! I even baked banana bread for the first time the other day! (and I don't bake!).
Another massive thing that has helped me get motivated again was to set myself incentives. I knew I needed to start waking up early again so that I could be more productive, start making plans for music and life again and get back into a positive headspace, so, I set myself the challenge to wake up everyday at 9:00am and do yoga and some meditation (that was my goal, but do whatever's your jam). I told myself that if I succeeded I would buy myself this really nice matching tracksuit (which I obviously needed 😁 and I did it! It worked so well... plus the tracksuit is awesome! Maybe I'll post a pic of me wearing it on Instagram so you can all see 😁
So although this only started with a week challenge, it got my head BACK.IN.THE.GAME! ..... no seriously, it did wonders! I am continuing to get up early and set myself tasks and challenges that motivate me. I have even started to implement 'The Miracle Morning' (the first book we read in my book club) if you've heard of it - amazing! If you haven't, it's essentially 6 steps to having the best, most productive mornings and SMASH YOUR DREAMS!... I don't know where these caps locks are coming from 😁 but hey ho, celebrate your own wins and all that. Anyway it's a great book and I'd be happy to share the free PDF with anyone interested if you drop me a message OR if you just want to know more about it and think you might be interested but aren't sure, let me know.
Now, don't get me wrong, some days I sleep in a bit longer or don't stick to these routines to a T but the main thing I always try to remember is that it's okay to miss a day or two, as long as I just keep showing up and don't let that be the end.
Right, motivational speech - DONE! Maybe that's not what you excepted to hear, maybe it is... but this is my story anyway so take what you will and keep being you 😁 #cringe
Blimey... I've gone on for a while haven't I! I told you this would happen.... can't keep my bloody mouth shut. So, quick music update before I sign off. My new single French Rain will be out on the 12th March, I've got some promotional bits and bobs planned leading up to it so keep your eyes peeled. I'm currently recording Authenticity for this summer with this American producer called Bitcher, so fingers crossed that all goes well. I also started this Facebook page called 'Change The World Through Music' based around climate change issues and protest songs. The next open mic for it is the 6th March if you're interested in performing or watching. Oh and I'm reading this freakin' awesome book called Music & Money by Danelle Harvey and oh boy, she's blowing my brain. Crazy inspiring!
Anyway, thanks for reading all for this! Hats off to you! I hope it was somewhat interesting 😁
Look forward to oversharing with you next time.... Enjoy your life 💚
Troi 💜 xoxo